Thank you for attending this year's conference!

Help us continue to make the conference great by providing feedback.

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* 1. How would you rate this year's Keynote Address?

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* 2. Please tell us why you rated the Keynote Address the way you did.

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* 3. Who would you like to see as next year's Keynote Speaker?

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* 4. How would you rate this year's Housing NC Awards luncheon?

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* 5. What could we do to make next year's awards luncheon even better?

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* 6. Which breakout session did you attend in the 2:00–3:15 pm timeslot?

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* 7. If you would like to leave a comment about the first breakout session, please do so here and include the name of the session you attended.

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* 8. Which breakout session did you attend for the 3:30–4:45 pm timeslot?

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* 9. If you would like to leave a comment about the second breakout session, please do so here and include the name of the session you attended.

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* 10. How would you rate this year's NC Housing Coalition Annual Breakfast?

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* 11. What could we do to make next year's Annual Breakfast even better?

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* 12. Which breakout session did you attend for the 9:45–11:00 am timeslot?

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* 13. If you would like to leave a comment about the third breakout session, please do so here and include the name of the session you attended.

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* 14. How would you rate this year's Industry Update?

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* 15. Please tell us why you rated the Industry Update the way you did.

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* 16. Who would you like to see speak at next year's Industry Update?

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* 17. Did you use the conference app?

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* 18. Was having the conference agenda on the back of your badge helpful to you?

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* 19. Do you follow us on social media?

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* 20. Please let us know how we can make the conference even better next year!