How can we #ShiftThePower?

Funding and decision-making in development, aid, and peacebuilding are often top-heavy and top-down. #ShiftThePower is a growing movement advocating for more power to be in the hands of local people. To #ShiftThePower, we have to listen to women— especially those in communities who are already doing the work and can speak best to what they need. That is why World Pulse wants to hear from you. We invite you to share your recommendations for the development sector and highlight the changemaking work you are already doing to #ShiftThePower.

You can respond to the call for stories by posting to your account on Just be sure to tag your post with "#ShiftThePower.”

If you would like to participate without sharing your story to World Pulse’s website, you can submit your story through this anonymous form.

This call for stories is part of a research project led by World Pulse’s Research and Evaluation Group (REG). They are supported in this effort by Jasmine R. Linabary, Ph.D. (University of Arizona), Meghana Rawat, Ph.D. (Utah Valley University), and Danielle Corple, Ph.D. (Wheaton College). Stories received by 21 July 2024 will be considered for Story Awards and Featured Initiative Awards and may be highlighted in reports as well as other advocacy-related outcomes. Please note, anonymous entries will not be considered for Story Awards and Featured Initiative Awards unless interest in being considered for the award is expressly stated and contact information is provided for follow up.

Learn more about the campaign and review FAQs. To share your story on, log into your account and visit the call for stories page.

If you would like to proceed with submitting your story using this anonymous form, please select "Next" below. By continuing on to this form, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the following.
  • Your participation is voluntary and you can withdraw your participation at any time. Completion of this form will be interpreted as your informed consent to participate, and that you are at least 18 years of age.
  • Please answer at your level of comfort. Know that you are not required to answer a question that is uncomfortable or would pose any risk to you.
  • Efforts will be made to ensure your confidentiality. This form is anonymous and it is up to you if you choose to provide any contact or identifying information. If provided, identifying characteristics will remain confidential and will not be included in any reports or presentations produced from this campaign, unless you agree to be identified.
  • This research should not present any potential risk beyond your normal, everyday activities. There are no direct benefits from participation in this campaign. These stories will help REG understand and share with others new ways of thinking and doing the work of social change– ways that honor collaboration, distributed leadership, and the sharing of power with our communities. Your responses may also be used to inform World Pulse’s own internal reflections on power shifting efforts.
  • Form responses are collected over secured, encrypted connections.
  • After the conclusion of the call for stories campaign, the results may be presented at professional meetings or published in journals or reports. You may request a report of