Enquiry Questionnaire

Thank you for choosing Kimbriki as a centre to visit and learn about living more sustainably.

Please allow up to 5 working days for a Kimbriki staff member to evaluate your request and get back to you.

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* 1. Terms and conditions
Please acknowledge you have read and understood the Risk Assessment before placing an enquiry. This document is to assist you in identifying potential hazards you may encounter on your visit to the Kimbriki site. The document must be used in conjunction with your own policy for risk management.
After your booking date has been confirmed, we will ask you to return a signed copy of this document to secure the booking.

Risk Assessment for School Excursions
Risk Assessment for Group Excursions

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* 2. I would like to book a

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* 3. School, Group or Organisation name

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* 4. Street address

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* 5. Contact name

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* 6. Position

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* 7. Contact numbers

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* 8. Email address (please ensure accurate)

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* 9. Estimated number of attendees
A minimum of 15 attendees are required for an excursion. Maximum number of students for school excursion = 60, split into two groups. Maximum number for an adult group excursion = 30.

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* 10. Transport - please select type of vehicle being used to enter Kimbriki.
Tours of the Kimbriki site will only be facilitated where a bus, coach or minibus is provided by your group. For safety reasons Kimbriki is unable to offer tours of the site to groups in multiple private vehicles. A virtual tour will instead be hosted in the Eco House. Parking is limited at the Eco House and Garden. Car pooling is recommended

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* 11. Age of students

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* 12. Excursion timing is 10am-1.00pm.
Please provide your preferred date of visit/s. If your preference is not available, we will contact you to suggest alternatives


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* 13. Cancellations and wet weather plan
On occasions where inclement weather prompts a cancellation, this will be determined within the 24 hours up to your arrival. For large groups where there are over 35 attendees and the group are split in two whilst on site, it is recommended that an excursion does not go ahead in severe weather or heavy rainfall, due to limited indoor space to host the entire group. In the event of a cancellation, a Kimbriki staff member will contact you to discuss.
Please provide an after hours contact number

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* 14. SCHOOLS ONLY - Please note below if there is a particular unit/area of the curriculum that you are embedding this excursion into, or areas that you would like particular focus on

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* 15. Please note any questions below

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* 16. Would you like to receive information, updates and special offers from the team at Kimbriki and the Eco House and Garden?
(Please note, Kimbriki will never share your personal information, and takes your privacy very seriously.  Click here to read Kimbriki’s Privacy Policy).