WPCC Annual Meeting 

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* 1. Please tell us the name of your organization. 

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* 2. Feedback from last year’s Annual Meeting indicates that the workshop format was very well received. Building on this feedback, we are interested in your views about topics for workshops for our 2018 meeting.  

Please rank how relevant you would find a workshop on each the following topics (1 being most relevant to your organization and 8 being least relevant):

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* 3. Are there other topics not included in the above list that you would like to see on the 2018 Annual Meeting program? Please specify. 

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* 4. As you may recall, at our 2017 Montreal meeting we discussed the possibility of holding future meetings in Europe, however, these would have to be less frequent due to financial constraints.  Feedback from this discussion indicated that most WPCC (Coalition) members would prefer to meet on a regular basis in North America rather than hold less frequent meetings in a location in Europe.

Because this is such an important decision, we want to revisit the discussion to ensure that everyone has a chance to share their views. Please let us know what you think.

As a member of the Coalition, is it important to you that the WPCC holds a meeting outside of North America?

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* 5. Would you prefer to hold Coalition meetings somewhat less frequently, for example every 18 months instead of every 12 months, if that would enable us to hold meetings outside of North America?

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* 6. Please share any other thoughts or comments you may have about location or frequency of our WPCC Anual Meetings.

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* 7. Sharing Best Practices

A small group from the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition Steering Committee is looking at how the Coalition can help members to share best practices between Annual Meetings. We are interested in your views on approaches that might work as well as topics that are of interest to you. Please tell us what you think.

Please rank the initiatives below that you think would help Coalition members share best practices. (1 being most useful and 4 being least useful)

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* 8. From the list below, please check the initiatives that you personally would find of value and participate in (either as a leader/contributor or participant). Please check all that apply

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* 9. Thinking about general topics, please rank the topics below that are of most interest to you. 1 being of greatest interest and 5 being of least interest.

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* 10. Are there topics of interest to you that are not listed in the above question?  Please specify.

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* 11. Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.  If you have any additional comments about the Annual Meeting or sharing best practices within the WPCC please share your thoughts below. If you have any questions or want to discuss this survey, please contact: