Construction Project Administration Survey |
Deadline: Monday, June 4, 2018
As most of you know, Field Manager is the software program that InfoTech developed on behalf of MDOT to administer construction on all federal and state funded projects let through MDOT. Many local agencies have used Field Manager for construction documentation on their locally let projects which has been permissible by MDOT and Info Tech. Due to the age of Field Manager and lack of functionality, MDOT is now working with Info Tech on a new cloud-based AASHTOWare construction management module that will be used to administer all federal and state funded projects let through MDOT. Currently, MDOT is indicating that AASHTOWare will be required to be used by local agencies on all projects let through MDOT LAP. MDOT is also stating that AASHTOWare will not be available for use by local agencies on locally let projects. As a result, CRA/MML is exploring construction administration options available to local agencies for these locally let projects that will best meet the needs of the local agency. This survey is intended to explore current and desired construction administration methods and tools. It is not our intent to address implementation and training concerns at this time.