Dear colleague,

This year, for the 2024 World PICU Awareness Week (WPAW) collaborated with OPENPediatrics and featured six podcasts from six different regions, all focusing on the ICU Liberation Bundle.

This was our fourth WPAW, and each year, the format and theme were different.

Now, we want to hear what you think. What should the 2025 WPAW look like? Have your say by completing this short survey! The survey deadline is Sunday, June 2, at midnight ET.

Thanks for your feedback.

WFPICCS WPAW Committee Co-chairs
Orsola, Idah and Qalab

Question Title

* 1. Your name

Question Title

* 4. Your profession

Question Title

* 5. In your opinion, what is the most relevant goal of WPAW?

Question Title

* 6. WPAW 2024 - PICU Liberation: How would you rate your region’s interest in WPAW 2024?

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. WPAW 2024 - PICU Liberation: How would you rate your own interest in WPAW 2024 ?

1 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. What were the strengths of WPAW 2024?

Question Title

* 9. What could be improved?

Question Title

* 10. In your opinion, which format would make WPAW successful? With 1 being the preferred format.

  1 2 3 4 5
A webinar organized by WFPICSS on World PICU Day (WPD)
A webinar and podcast supported by OpenPediatrics (OP) to be run on WPAD (such as in 2023)
A series of recorded videos produced by the Regions, to be shown at webinars during WPAW (such as in 2022)
A series of webinars involving Regional leads, supported by WFPICCS (possibly in local languages)
A series of podcasts of global PICU experts , supported by OP (such as in 2024)
Local activities to be endorsed by WFPICCS during WPAW
Social media coverage by WFPICCS of regional activities and projects
Social media or photo contest on best coverage or story on a given topic
Social media coverage on guidelines, evidence and best practice on a given topic
Other_ (please, specify)

Question Title

* 11. How would you like to be involved?

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* 12. What topic would be relevant for your Region for future WPAW (share 3 topics in order of preference)?

Question Title

* 13. What would be an incentive to participate in WPAW?

Question Title

* 14. Final comments and suggestions to make WPAW a success: