Our company is an equal opportunity employer and will consider all applicants for all positions equally without regard to their race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, citizenship, genetic information, veteran status, disability or any other classification or characteristic protected by law.

This application will be given every consideration, but its receipt does not imply that the applicant will be employed. Each question must be answered in a complete and accurate manner as no action can be taken on this application until all questions have been answered.

If a question is not-applicable, place “NA” for that question.
Personal Information

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Date

Question Title

* 3. Home phone

Question Title

* 4. Other Phone

Question Title

* 5. Fax

Question Title

* 6. Email address

Address Information

Question Title

* 7. Current address

Question Title

* 8. Number of years at current address

Question Title

* 9. Previous address

Question Title

* 10. Number of years at previous address

Question Title

* 11. Are you over 21?

Question Title

* 12. Please indicate if you are authorized to work in the United States.

Question Title

* 13. Have you ever been convicted of any crime?

Question Title

* 14. Do you have the ability, with or without reasonable accommodations, to work overtime or to travel if travel and/or overtime are required by the job for which you are applying?

Question Title

* 15. Would you be willing and able to relocate?

Question Title

* 16. Do you have a Driver’s License?

Question Title

* 17. Driver's license

Question Title

* 18. Is your driver's license valid?

Employment Desired

Question Title

* 19. Are you seeking

Question Title

* 20. Which area are you interested in?

Question Title

* 21. Position applied for

Question Title

* 22. Annual salary desired

Question Title

* 23. Date available to start


Question Title

* 24. Have you ever APPLIED with our company?

Question Title

* 25. Have you ever WORKED for our company?

Question Title

* 26. Are you now, or expect to be, working in any other business or job?

Question Title

* 27. Are there any days or hours you would be unable or unwilling to work?

Question Title

* 28. How did you hear about this job opening?


Question Title

* 29. High school

Question Title

* 30. College

Question Title

* 31. Trade school

Question Title

* 32. Are you planning to pursue further studies?

Question Title

* 33. List any scholastic honors, offices held, and activities involved in during high school and college.

Question Title

* 34. List and describe any other school or specialized training


Question Title

* 35. Have you ever served in the military?

Question Title

* 36. Service branch

Question Title

* 37. Type of discharge

Question Title

* 38. Date separated

Question Title

* 39. Final rank

Capability / Reliability

Question Title

* 40. Would you be willing and able to perform all of the tasks required by the job you are applying for?

Question Title

* 41. Will you abide by the safety rules of this company?

Question Title

* 42. Have you ever been disciplined for violating company safety rules and/or regulations?

Question Title

* 43. How many days of work (or school) have you missed in the last two years?

Question Title

* 44. How many times have you been late to work (or school) in the last two years?

Question Title

* 45. Would you be willing and able to report to work on time every day on a regular and consistent basis?

Question Title

* 46. Are you CPR/AED certified?

Work History
List names of employers in consecutive order with present or last employer listed first. Account for all periods of time including military service and any periods of unemployment. If self-employed, give firm name and supply business references. You may use a separate sheet.

Please give month and year and do not reference your resume.

Question Title

* 47. Employment 1

Question Title

* 48. Employment 2

Question Title

* 49. Employment 3

Question Title

* 50. Employment 4

Question Title

* 51. If you worked in any of your previous positions under another name, please provide that name below. (For references purposes only.)

Question Title

* 52. Are you currently employed?

Question Title

* 53. Have you ever been fired or asked to resign?

Question Title

* 54. Have you ever been disciplined or received verbal or written warnings for absenteeism or tardiness?

Martial Arts Background
List all martial arts styles you have studied and hold a ranking in.

Question Title

* 55. Style 1

Question Title

* 56. Style 2

Question Title

* 57. Style 3

Question Title

* 58. Style 4

Question Title

* 59. Have you ever taught a seminar? If yes, please complete below:

Question Title

* 60. Seminar 1

Question Title

* 61. Seminar 2

Question Title

* 62. Do you or have you ever, owned a school/studio? If yes, please complete below:

Question Title

* 63. Owned School

Question Title

* 64. Do you or have you ever taught or managed a school/studio? If yes, please complete below:

Question Title

* 65. Managed / Taught School 1

Question Title

* 66. Managed / Taught School 2

Question Title

* 67. Please list your goals as a martial artist.

Give three or more references that have known you for three or more years. Do not use relatives or former employers.

Question Title

* 68. Reference 1

Question Title

* 69. Reference 2

Question Title

* 70. Reference 3

Question Title

* 71. Reference 4

I certify that my answers to the foregoing questions are true and correct without any consequential omissions of any kind whatsoever. I understand that if I am
employed, any false, misleading or otherwise incorrect statements made on this application form or during any interviews may be grounds for my immediate discharge.

I hereby authorize KICKSTART KIDS to contact any company or individual it deems appropriate to investigate my employment history, character and qualifications and

I give my full and complete consent to their revealing any and all information they wish as a result of this investigation. In addition, I hereby waive my right to bring any cause of action against these individuals for defamation, invasion of privacy or any other reason because of their statements.

I agree that, if I am employed, I will abide by all the rules and regulations of KICKSTART KIDS. I understand that the taking of drug and alcohol tests when given pursuant to company policy, are a condition of continued employment and refusal to take such tests when asked will be grounds for my immediate termination. I further understand that nobody in KICKSTART KIDS is authorized to enter into any written or verbal employment contracts with me for any definite period of time without the express written consent of the Executive Director of KICKSTART KIDS. I further understand that, if I am hired by KICKSTART KIDS, my employment will be terminable at will, that either KICKSTART KIDS or I may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason and without advance notice, and that the at-will relationship can be changed only pursuant to a written agreement signed by the Executive Director of KICKSTART KIDS.