Check Out

Support materials are available to assess Deaf/Hard-of Hearing (DHH) students for a significant reading deficiency (SRD).  Three forms of the Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement Assessments (WJ IV) can be borrowed on a limited basis from the CDE-ESSU.  

It is the responsibility of the district representative to ensure that all of these resource materials are handled with the utmost of care and returned to CDE-ESSU in optimal condition.

If on return to CDE-ESSU, it is determined that the test materials have been damaged, the district will be assessed the replacement cost.

On the request form, it will be important to indicate if you want the test kit mailed to you or if you will pick it up at the ESSU’s offices.  The ESSU will mail and pay postage for regular mail to your school/district.  It will be the responsibility of the district to mail and pay postage for the return to the ESSU.  A representative from the district can always pick up and/or return the test kit from the CDE-ESSU Offices.

Thank you for helping us maintain these materials.