The Advancing Healthcare for Women and Girls Survey is sponsored by
American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA).

This survey has eight questions and can be completed in less than 10 minutes.

The survey seeks to collect the views of women involved in all aspects of healthcare, including working professionals and students, and including those who may directly or indirectly impact patient care – e.g. those in medicine, nursing, allied health, all aspects of research and education, managed care, government, industry and patient advocacy, etc.

Data collected through this survey is depersonalized.  No identifying information is collected for survey participants.

Interim results of this survey will be available in early June on and, with additional results shared later in 2017.  

To connect with other healthcare professionals interested in advancing women’s healthcare, join HBA and AMWA on 14 June for the 2017 Women’s Healthcare Innovation and Leadership Showcase on the campus of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, NJ.  

Navigating from this survey to the AMWA, HBA or HBA NY/NJ region websites, including navigating to the WHILS registration page, will not change the privacy of your survey responses.  

Thank you in advance for sharing your views on healthcare for women and girls.

Question Title

* 1. I am a

Question Title

* 2. What is the highest degree you have obtained and/or are currently working toward?

Working Toward









None of the above

Question Title

* 3. If you are a physician, what is your specialty?  (If you are not a physician, you may skip this question.)

Question Title

* 4. Tell us more about your current work/study environment:
Please indicate the type of organization you work or study in AND the primary focus of your work or study.  If you are currently in transition, please share information relevant to your most recent role and indicate "in transition" in the "other category.

Type of Institution Primary Focus
Academic - Graduate or professional
Academic - Primary or secondary
Academic - Undergraduate
Business / Management
Patient Care - Private practice
Patient Care - Hospital / hospital system
Patient Care - Retail – pharmacy, “walk-in” clinic
Patient Care - Primary care
Patient Care - Specialty Care 
Patient advocacy and/or disease-focused organization
Basic medical research
Clinical research
Research in culture, sociology
Research on public health or health policy
Government - Policy Maker
Government - Policy Implementation
Health benefits administration or managed care
Diagnostics or devices

Question Title

* 5. Opportunities for improving Healthcare Access for women and girls:
Focusing only on women and girls, to what extent do you think there is need for increased emphasis on the following strategies for improving their healthcare access?
Strategies that…

  High Need Moderate Need Little to no Need Not Sure
…allow for better monitoring of and adjustment to healthcare needs of populations and individuals
…expand and/or strengthen federal policies supporting women’s access to healthcare services and reimbursement
…solve for barriers related to competing work and family commitments
...increase the affordability and quality of healthcare insurance for women
…solve for women’s lack of time to attend to their personal health needs
…increase options for receiving healthcare (virtual provider visits, group visits, retail care, etc.)

Question Title

* 6. Improving Health Literacy to help advance healthcare for women and girls: To help advance healthcare for women and girls, how important do you think it is to increase focus on the following strategies for improving women and girls’ health literacy?  Strategies that...

  High Need Moderate Need Little to no Need Not Sure
…engage women to increase their own health literacy and to support health literacy in their communities
…help to refine our understanding of impacts of culture on healthcare (beliefs, expectations and openness to new ideas/behaviors, etc.)
…improve healthcare professionals’ preparedness for communicating to diverse female patients
…increase options for consumption of credible health literacy resources (accurate information, multi-channel access)
…optimize state/local policies related to accessibility and quality of health information and literacy resources
…optimize federal policies related to accessibility and quality of health information and literacy resources

Question Title

* 7. Leveraging Basic and Clinical Research to help advance healthcare for women and girls: In terms of leveraging basic and clinical research to help advance healthcare for women and girls, how important do you think it is to prioritize the following areas of basic and clinical research?

  HighIy Important Moderately Important Not Important Not Sure
Evidence-based clinical care for women
Basic physiological processes and life cycle
Differences in disease risk factors and optimal approaches for prevention
Differences in high impact chronic diseases (not mental health-related)
Response to medications, including substance abuse/addiction
Mental health
Rare diseases
Infectious diseases
Accidents, occupational hazards

Question Title

* 8. Evolving Medical Practice to improve care for women and girls: Which medical practice approaches or trends do you believe are most promising for advancing healthcare for women and girls?

  High Importance Moderate Importance Little to no Importance Not Sure
Integrating social science & applied psychology into care approaches
Patient-centered care (central coordination of the medical history and increased support for patient participation in treatment decisions)
Leveraging technology (i.e. virtual/telehealth, wearables)
Evidence-based decision-making
Genetics, “precision” or “personalized” medicine, proteomics and other biologic-based approaches
Integrative medicine (i.e. increased focus on inclusion of alternative with traditional medicine)