Welcome! Fastforpeace.org's mission is inspired by Mohandas Gandhi's fasts for peace in India, which reduced violence and unified diverse people during turbulent times. Each month, men and women from around the US and world fast together to promote peace.

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* Will you join the next fast for peace on the 15th by abstaining from food for 24 hours, and drinking only water? (Gandhi recommended a dinner-to-dinner fast.) If yes, please enter the date you will participate.


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* What is your name?

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* What is your US zip code, or the country that you live in?

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* What is your email address? Participants are sent a survey after the fast, asking about their experiences and opinions on various peace issues, working to build consensus.

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* Could you make a donation to fastforpeace.org, to help promote the fast for peace?

Minimum amount: $1 USD
You’ll enter payment info after the survey.

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* Are there any other comments you'd like to share with fastforpeace.org? You can also reach us at membership@fastforpeace.org.