You have been asked to answer a questionnaire about neurodiversity in the workplace. This questionnaire is one of the phases of the European Erasmus+ project Neurodiversity at Work (NEW), which brings together several European partners: AIDP (Italy), FORMA.Azione (Italy), EDA (Belgium) - European Dyslexia Association, DIE BERATER (Austria), CATRO (Bulgaria) and Specialisterne Ireland (Ireland).

The idea behind this project is to start thinking, as already is happening in many UK companies, that the neurodiversity of each organisation’s workforce is a richness and has the potential to drive business towards a more ethical and prosperous future. The Neurodiversity at Work project aims to pursue an inclusive workplace, by defining and putting into practice strategies and tools to:
  • Make employers/business leaders enablers of inclusivity at the workplace, by practicing “My employer helped me find out what I’m good at”;
  • Transform the negative perception of Specific Learning Difficulty (SLD) to a more balanced approach including strengths, by adopting the concept of neurodiversity;
  • Co-create concrete help and solutions with employees with SLD;
  • Spread the impact of the solutions within the whole companies’ organisation, by demonstrating the benefits for all the employees.
This questionnaire is being done in 4 countries – namely Italy, Austria, Bulgaria and Ireland, and also at the wider European level, and the data collection in each country is being managed by the partners in that country or region. For further information please contact: Rosie Bissett at The project takes place from 2022 to 2024. This survey will be active until the middle of February 2023.

Legal Notice:
The information collected about you will be processed by the European Dyslexia Association (EDA). The legal basis of the processing is the execution of a mission of public interest. The data will be controlled and processed securely by the EDA. All data will be securely stored within the EU, i.e. no transfer of data outside the EU will be carried out. Your personal data will be kept for the duration necessary for the project and its publications. The survey results will be published in 2023. Any identifying information related to either an individual or a company will be removed.  

You have the following rights for the use that is made of your data: the right to object: you can at any time object to the processing of your data and have the right to withdraw your consent - the right to access and rectify your data - the right of deletion - the right to restricted use when your data are not necessary or no longer useful - the right of portability: communicate your data to the person of your choice. You can exercise these rights by contacting: Rosie Bissett at