MEHKO City Managers' Meeting Follow-up Survey

City Managers' Meeting Survey

This survey is a follow-up to the City Managers' Meeting held on September 28, 2023. Since then, the Board adopted a motion on Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation (MEHKO), Streamlining Access to Safe and Regulated Vending and MicroEntrepreneurship Opportunities. In collaboration with the Department of Economic Opportunity, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) seeks your input in the drafting of a MEHKO ordinance. 

This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

*We are asking for a single coordinated response from your jurisdiction. If you believe that others from your jurisdiction would have helpful insights, please coordinate with them to complete the survey such that only one response is submitted per jurisdiction.
1.Please provide the name of the individual(s) completing this survey.

(If more than one individual from the same city is completing the survey, please complete the survey together and provide all names here.)
2.Please provide the name of your city.(Required.)
3.Please provide the department you work in.(Required.)
4.Please provide your email address.(Required.)
5.If a MEHKO program is authorized in the County of Los Angeles, please select your preference from the following potential programmatic options. (Select One Option)(Required.)
6.Please select which of the following options from new legislation (SB 972) you are in favor of (check all that apply):(Required.)
7.Do you plan on prohibiting the storage of a compact mobile food operation in a private home via an ordinance?(Required.)
8.Has your city received any inquiries from individuals interested in operating  a MEHKO within your city?(Required.)
9.Does your city anticipate requiring a city permit or business license for a MEHKO?(Required.)
10.If MEHKOs are approved, who would you like us to work with in your city? Please provide the name and email/phone number of the contact for your city.(Required.)
11.Do you have other concerns or questions about MEHKOs that you would like LA County Public Health to address?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered