As a member of Bard LLI, your participation is requested to choose Council members whose terms of office will begin in July 2025.

This election will determine the selection of candidates for the following positions:

Second Vice President
Two (2) Members at Large

Anonymous voting will take place beginning March 9, 2025 and ending March 16, 2025. Please vote by filling out this ballot and clicking SUBMIT BALLOT when you have completed your selections.

Brief biographies of the nominees are included in the ballot for your reference, and are also on the Bard LLI website. You have the opportunity to register your vote for a nominated person, abstain from voting for a position, or write in another member's name. For Members at Large, you may vote for two candidates.

Please fill out this ballot at your earliest convenience; the deadline for voting is March 16 at midnight.

Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. Second Vice President
To vote for Grace McKay, please fill in the first circle.
To abstain from voting for First Vice President, please fill in the second circle.
To vote for your write-in candidate, please fill in the third circle and enter the name of the LLI member of your choosing.

Question Title

* 2. Secretary
To vote for Susan Simon, please fill in the first circle.
To abstain from voting for Secretary, please fill in the second circle.
To vote for your write-in candidate, please fill in the third circle and enter the name of the LLI member of your choosing.

Question Title

* 3. Members at Large (you can vote for two people)
To vote for Eleanor Wieder, please fill in the first circle.
To abstain from voting for Eleanor Wieder, please fill in the second circle.
To vote for your write-in candidate, please fill in the third circle and enter the name of the LLI member of your choosing.

Question Title

* 4. Members at Large (you can vote for two people)
To vote for Lynda Christensen, please fill in the first circle.
To abstain from voting for Lynda Christensen, please fill in the second circle.
To vote for your write-in candidate, please fill in the third circle and enter the name of the LLI member of your choosing.

Question Title

* 5. Members at Large (you can vote for two people)
To vote for Chuck Mishaan, please fill in the first circle.
To abstain from voting for Chuck Mishaan, please fill in the second circle.
To vote for your write-in candidate, please fill in the third circle and enter the name of the LLI member of your choosing.