Oregon City Together Annual Parent Survey 2024 Oregon City Together Annual Parent Survey 2024 Please complete this CONFIDENTIAL survey to help the Oregon City Together Coalition (OCT) improve its services to parents and youth. Thank you! The Oregon City School District is distributing the survey as part of its contribution to the coalition's work preventing youth substance abuse. OK Question Title * 1. Generally speaking, is the community of Oregon City going in the wrong or right direction when it comes to preventing youth marijuana and alcohol use? Wrong direction Right direction Don't know Why or why not? OK Question Title * 2. Do you think the Oregon City Commission should allocate a percentage of the taxes it receives from the sale of recreational marijuana to fund programs to prevent youth substance abuse? Yes No Not sure Why or why not? OK Question Title * 3. What are you most concerned about when considering the risks of youth using drugs like alcohol and marijuana? Not concerned Harming normal teen brain development Teen becoming addicted Teen getting hurt in a car crash Teen getting caught by law enforcement Teen making other poor choices because of using drugs and/or alcohol Impact on teen's mental health None of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. What age do you think is appropriate to begin discussing risks of substance use with your child? Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade Not sure OK Question Title * 5. How do you feel about middle-school-age youth having one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage per day? Strongly disapprove Somewhat disapprove Neither approve or disapprove Somewhat approve Strongly approve OK Question Title * 6. How do you feel about high-school-age youth having one or two drinks of an alcoholic beverage nearly every day? Strongly disapprove Somewhat disapprove Neither approve or disapprove Somewhat approve Strongly approve OK Question Title * 7. How would you feel about your child using alcohol before age 21? Strongly disapprove Somewhat disapprove Neither approve or disapprove Somewhat approve Strongly approve OK Question Title * 8. How do you feel about middle-school age youth trying marijuana once or twice? Strongly disapprove Somewhat disapprove Neither approve or disapprove Somewhat approve Strongly approve OK Question Title * 9. How do you feel about high-school-age youth trying marijuana once or twice? Strongly disapprove Somewhat disapprove Neither approve or disapprove Somewhat approve Strongly approve OK Question Title * 10. How would you feel about your child using marijuana before the age of 21? Strongly disapprove Somewhat disapprove Neither approve nor disapprove Somewhat approve Strongly approve OK Question Title * 11. How comfortable do you feel about talking to your child about the risks of using alcohol ? Very comfortable Somewhat comfortable Not very comfortable Not at all comfortable Have not thought about it OK Question Title * 12. Have you talked to your child about the risks of using alcohol before the legal age of 21? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 13. Have you created firm, clear and consistent rules about using alcohol before the legal age of 21? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 14. Have you created clear, consistent consequences about using alcohol before the age of 21? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 15. How wrong do you think your child thinks you would feel if they drank alcohol? Very wrong Wrong Somewhat wrong Not wrong at all OK Question Title * 16. How comfortable do you feel talking to your child about the risks of using marijuana? Very comfortable Somewhat comfortable Not very comfortable Not comfortable at all Have not thought about it OK Question Title * 17. Have you talked to your child about the risks of using marijuana before the age of 21? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 18. Have you created firm, clear and consistent rules around the use of marijuana? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 19. Have you created clear, consistent consequences about using marijuana? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 20. How wrong do you think your child thinks you would you feel if they used marijuana? Very wrong Wrong Somewhat wrong Not wrong at all OK Question Title * 21. Do you keep alcohol in your home? Yes and it is locked up Yes and it is not locked up No OK Question Title * 22. If you are aware of your child or other minors drinking alcohol, from which of the following sources was it obtained? I am not aware of my child or other minors drinking alcohol At a party Friends under 21 Friends over 21 Older sibling Another parent A store or gas station A liquor store Bar, night club or restaurant Took it from home without permission Asking a stranger to buy it Home delivery Not sure None of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 23. Do you keep marijuana in your home? Yes and it is locked up Yes and it is not locked up No OK Question Title * 24. If you are aware your child or other minors have used marijuana, from what source was it obtained? I'm not aware of my child or other minors using marijuana At a public event such as a concert or sporting event A party Friends age 18 or older Friends under age 18 Older sibling A medical marijuana cardholder or grower Black market Medical marijuana dispensary Non-medical marijuana retail outlet Not sure None of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 25. Social hosting, allowing youth other than your own to use alcohol or drugs on your property, is a Class A Misdemeanor. True False Not sure OK Question Title * 26. Are you aware of the current trend of deadly fentanyl in fake pills? A bit aware Aware Very aware Not aware Not sure OK Question Title * 27. Have you talked to your child about the dangers of fake pills and fentanyl? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 28. Have you heard of the Oregon City Together Coalition? Yes No Not sure OK Question Title * 29. What's the most important thing the Oregon City Together Coalition should be doing to prevent youth substance abuse in our community? OK Question Title * 30. How many children aged 18 and under live in your household? OK Question Title * 31. Check the grades your child (or children) are in this fall. Check all that apply. Kindergarten 1st grade 2nd grade 3rd grade 4th grade 5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade OK Question Title * 32. Anything else you would like the Oregon City Together Coalition to know? OK DONE