Online Survey for Dissertation Research

Tailored Cat Food Subscription Business

As part of my master's dissertation, I am conducting research to develop a tailored cat food subscription service that meets the specific nutritional needs and preferences of individual cats. Your participation in this survey is invaluable in helping me achieve this goal.
Your responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes.
Thank you for your time and support.
3.Number of cats
4.Cat breed(s)
6.What type of cat food do you currently feed your cat(s)?
7.What factors are most important to you when choosing cat food? (Select all that apply)
8.Are you interested in a personalised cat food subscription service that takes into account your cat's specific needs and preferences?
9.Does your cat have any specific health issues or dietary needs that require special food?
10.What is your ideal price range for a monthly cat food subscription?