What is the purpose of the study?
We are a group of researchers interested in relationship intimacy and a particular personality trait which may mean people are less interested in relationships with others. We also want to understand how people’s ability to hold information in mind relates to how they behave in relationships. So you will be asked to complete a task which is like a computer game.
Why have I been invited to take part?
We would like to hear from a wide variety of people. We would like people of all genders over the age of 18 years. You do not need to be in a current relationship, we would like to hear from everyone who is interested.
Do I have to take part?
You are under no obligation to take part and you will not experience any loss of benefit or penalty if you choose not to participate.
What will I have to do?
Please ensure you complete the study on a computer in a quiet place with no distractions. First, we will ask you some questions about yourself and your circumstances. Then, you will be presented with two questionnaires, the first measuring how interested you are in your relationships with others, and the second asking questions on relationship intimacy. After you have completed these questionnaires, you will be presented with computer-like game that measures your ability to hold information in mind. In total the survey will take approximately 15 minutes and the task 20 minutes, so we ask you to complete this somewhere quiet and distraction free.
If you feel upset while completing the survey due to the sensitivity of the topic, please close and return to this page or contact the researchers for links you may be able to approach for support.
What are the exclusion criteria (i.e. are there any reasons why I should not take part)?
You should not take part in this study if:
- You are under the age of 18, or
- Likely to become upset by questions related to intimate relationships.
What are the possible disadvantages/risks in taking part?
Due to the sensitivity of the sexual attitudes and lifestyles topic, some individuals may feel distressed. If this is the case, stop and follow any of the links provided for guidance:
- www.thesurvivorstrust.org – survivors of sexual abuse
- https://www.sexwise.org.uk/contact - sexual health support
- https://www.mind.org.uk – psychological support
Will my taking part be kept confidential and anonymous?
Yes. You will provide a unique participant code that will be used to identify any data that you provide. You will not provide your name and any other personal details.
Any electronic information will be stored on a password protected computer. This will be kept separate from any data and will be treated in accordance with GDPR.
How will my data be stored?
All data will be stored on password protected files within the university network.