Question Title

* 1. Please enter your full name

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* 2. Please enter your address (street, town, state, ZIP)

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* 3. Please enter your Contact information

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* 4. Please select your political party

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* 5. Which office are you running for?

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* 9. Will you oppose any income or sales tax, or any increase in the overall tax burden in New Hampshire?

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* 10. Will you support decreasing state spending or at least preventing any increase in state spending?

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* 11. Will you support limiting voting to persons who have been New Hampshire residents for at least 30 days?

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* 12. Will you support using the same residency standard for all NH services that require residency?

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* 13. Do you believe that state public school funding should be set by the state budget and not by the courts?

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* 14. Do you support additional school choice options?

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* 15. Will you support passing Right-to-Work legislation?

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* 16. Will you support reducing business taxes and regulations to encourage economic development and business retention?

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* 17. Will you support pension reforms for government employees including a transition from defined-benefit to defined-contribution plans?

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* 18. Will you vote to terminate expanded Medicaid if the Federal contribution is cut?

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* 19. Will you support actions that decrease electricity rates, and oppose any actions that will increase them, including expanded alternative energy mandates?

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* 20. Will you support paying down the State’s debt as opposed to increasing the rainy day fund?

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* 21. Will you take and support the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge:
“I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.”