Kia ora Head Teachers and Senior Head Teachers,
We are using this survey to gather each person's goal/enquiry question for the 2020-2021 Appraisal cycle. This will give us an overview of the areas that teachers and support staff have identified to work on and will help ST's plan for professional learning and development. Please answer a separate question for each of your Teachers and for each of your Support Staff.
Thanks for taking the time to complete this for us.
Ngā mihi nui
Whānau Manaaki Senior Teacher Team

Question Title

* 3. Please fill in the information here for each of your Support Staff (this includes any Admin Support or Teachers Aides employed by your kindergarten or the Association).

Question Title

* 4. Head Teacher/Senior Head Teacher:

Question Title

* 6. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 8. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 10. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 12. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 14. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 16. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 18. Please answer separately for each of your teachers:

Question Title

* 20. Have you added goals for all your teachers and Support Staff?
(If you choose 'yes', thank you, you have finished the survey, choosing 'no' takes you to the next page so you can continue for the remaining teachers in your team)