
The Judicial Council of California is working to improve the quality of the child welfare court system, including the quality of legal representation. Your perspective is critical in helping us to understand current representation practices and the needs of attorneys who represent parents, children, and youth in child welfare cases. This survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Responses are completely anonymous. Results will be used to inform systems change efforts and Court Improvement Program (CIP) training and technical assistance provision. If you have any questions, you can email:
Background Information.
The first section of the survey asks some questions about your background.

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* 1. In what county or counties do you typically work? Please list in text box:

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* 2. How long have you worked as an executive director or in office leadership?

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* 3. If a solo practitioner, do you subcontract for attorney services?  

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* 4. Have you increased the compensation of your attorneys (or attorneys you subcontract with) due to the availability of FFDRP funds?

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* 5. If yes, did all attorneys in your practice (or that you subcontract with) receive an increase?

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* 6. If salaries were increased for some or all attorneys, what were the criteria you used to determine who should receive increased compensation?

Please add criteria used in text box (if N/A, please skip this question).

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* 7. If you increased attorney compensation, please rate what happened to attorney turnover:

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* 8. If you increased attorney compensation, please rate impact on recruitment of new attorneys at the higher pay rate:

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* 9. If you did not raise compensation of your attorneys, what was the reasoning?

Please add comments in text box.

Question Title

* 10A. Are caseload reductions important to attorney retention? 

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* 10B. If yes, under what circumstances are caseload reductions the most impactful to attorney retention? 

Please describe those circumstances in the text box.

25% of survey complete.