The Clark County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board is accepting nominations until August 14, 2024 for the National Disability Employment Awareness Month Awards.
Purpose: October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and this event is designed to honor the role people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have in assisting us to achieve a dynamic, productive workforce and to also recognize the leadership of the business community.
Eligibility: Nominations may be submitted for one of the following categories:

1. Large Employer of people with developmental/intellectual disabilities
(50 or more local employees)

2. Small Employer of people with developmental/intellectual disabilities
(49 or less local employees)

3. Employee with a developmental/intellectual disability

4. Dennis Campbell Outstanding Service Award for outstanding service to improving the lives of individuals with developmental/intellectual disabilities

5. David Hanawalt Service Award for an employment specialist who demonstrates service to their clients above and beyond the client’s expectations, exceeds the contractual expectations, and promotes client success and growth.
I want to submit a nomination. Can I do that?

Yes! Anyone who knows about an employer who is supporting individuals with disabilities can nominate.

I can’t fill out these questions. Is there a different way?
Yes! You can download a PDF of the nomination form and email it to Cheri Osterman,

The employer I want to nominate has already received an award and they are still doing a great job. Can I nominate them again?
It depends. If this employer is doing new things to support employees with disabilities, yes, you can nominate them again. If they haven’t changed what they are doing, they are not eligible to receive the award again.

Our manager is doing such a great job. Can we nominate them for the David Hanawalt award?
No. This award is specifically for folks who are doing job development or job coaching and helping people with disabilities get a job and keep working. Consider whether the nomination fits in other categories.

It’s September! I just learned about the awards. Can I make a nomination?
Next year please! Our cutoff is August 13.

When will I know whether my nominee is an award recipient?
All nominees will be notified via their nominator by September 15. Award winners will
be notified directly by committee coordinators.

I think my nomination went through. How do I find out?
Email Beth Mckenney,, who will confirm receipt of your nomination.

Who makes the decision about which businesses will receive an award?
The Clark County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board reviews all applications and decides who will receive each award.
Recognition: Recipients of these awards and nominees will be honored at the Disability Employment Awards Event, on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at Clark College in a ceremony, and celebration. The program will begin at 4:00 p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m., with networking from 4:00-4:30 p.m.
If you have further questions about the application and review process, please reach out to Emily Harris,