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I Tutor the Kids, LLC Tutoring Service (Columbia, SC)
We are certified teachers who are able to assist with Spanish, reading, math, writing, ASVAB prep, GED prep and more! We mostly tutor individualized-one hour sessions at a cost of $1 per minute! Saturday tutoring and Sunday Funday sessions are available during the calendar school year for group sessions at a low fee! We can meet you at a centralized location such as the library, coffee shop, or restaurant or at our facility at 8816 Two Notch Road. All payments are made at least 2 hours before the tutoring session begins. All cancellations must be made at least 1 hour of service. There is a $3 service/processing fee.
Please email, text or call 803-386-9330 for any questions you may have regarding tutoring and THANK YOU for your interest!