
Welcome to Grant Training for the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF).

As a Grantee Agency of the DCF, you are required to complete this mandatory grant training before your agency submits its first Budget Transaction Report for reimbursement. After reviewing DCF’s new Grant Manual, Grant Forms and other resources at http://www.dcf.ks.gov/Agency/Operations/Pages/Grantee-Resources.aspx, please complete the following survey and PRINT THE CONFIRMATION PAGE AT THE END.

The training consists of twenty-two multiple choice and true/false questions and should take about 15 minutes to complete. Although no particular score is required to pass, it is required that the training be taken and that a confirmation sheet be printed and submitted with your agency’s documentation for award. (If your agency is the recipient of multiple grants from DCF, and various staff members manage these grants, we would prefer that each individual manager take this training.)

Should you have any questions, please contact DCF’s Grant Manager at dcf.grants@ks.gov.