DCDC Member's Choice Awards 2024 - Final Selection

The DeWitt Chamber & Development Company (DCDC) is excited to bring you the 11th Annual DCDC Member's Choice Awards! Thank you for participating in the voting process!

- Review the categories in the awards survey.
- The top nominees in each category are being presented during the final vote from Monday, June 3rd to Monday, June 10th. The DCDC Members in the drop-downs have been nominated to move onto the final vote during a previous nomination voting period.
- Select one DCDC Member for that category using the drop-down box.
- We ask that you only vote once per person.
-Thank you for voting and we look forward to awarding these deserving DCDC Members with an award on June 19th!

Comments submitted in the nomination form below may be used to promote the awards and/or recognize the nominees.

Question Title

* 2. Why did you choose this business?

Question Title

* 4. Why did you choose this business?

Question Title

* 6. Why did you choose this business?

Question Title

* 8. Why did you choose this business?

Question Title

* 10. Why did you choose this business?