Background of Award

The 10 Under 10 Alumni Award is presented to 10 Grand View alumni who have not yet celebrated 10 years since graduating from Grand View.

Each is making a significant impact in their profession and/or community since graduation. This may be measured by noting favorable statewide, national, or international recognition; honors from associations or employers; or documentation illustrating work that has proved beneficial to a pronounced segment of society.

This award celebrates the variety of passions and interests of GV alumni and demonstrates how the Grand View experience contributed to the foundation for their success. Each recipient's vision, drive, and leadership in their field or community are considered in the selection process.

The nomination period is open until July 8, 2024. All nominations will be reviewed in July, and the award recipient will be notified by July 31.

The 10 Under 10 Alumni Awards will be presented at Grand View's Homecoming celebration September 29 - October 6, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Information (items with * are required)

Question Title

* 2. Phone Type:

Question Title

* 3. How do you know this person?

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* 4. What outstanding contribution(s) do you believe this nominee has made to his/her profession since graduation at Grand View? 

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* 5. Describe the nominee's community involvement including service and volunteering.

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* 6. Share any publications, certifications, additional degrees, honors or awards the nominee holds.

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* 7. How has this nominee's vision, drive and leadership within his or her profession and/or community contributed to your nomination?

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* 8. Optional - Upload additional information that you believe will assist the Alumni Awards selection committee in the review of this application.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 9. Nominator Information (items with * require a description)

Question Title

* 10. Phone Type: