Healing Together, One Story at a Time Question Title * 1. How much do you feel your recognition of the need for racial healing has increased by attending this event? 5 - Significantly 4 3 - Moderately 2 1 - A little 0 - Not at All Question Title * 2. Please share one or two things you learned or were inspired by after hearing tonight's speakers or about the event, in general. Question Title * 3. After attending this event, do you feel you are more open to or better equipped to discuss racial healing with others? Yes No Question Title * 4. Were you able to attend our first National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH) event on February 24, 2024? Yes No Question Title * 5. Please share if you have suggestions on how to improve events such as this one, in the future. Question Title * 6. The National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH) Committee would appreciate knowing the demographics we have reached. Please share your age range: 0-20 yrs 21-39 yrs 40-49 yrs 50-59 yrs 60-69 yrs 70-79 yrs 80+ Prefer not to answer Question Title * 7. Your Gender Male Female Transgender Non-binary / non-conforming Prefer not to answer Question Title * 8. Please use this email address to send me future National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH) communications and events: Question Title * 9. Are you interested in serving on a sub-committee for future National Day of Racial Healing planning or events? Yes No Question Title * 10. Your Contact Information (name, address, phone, email) Done