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* 1. How often do you use Blackwattle Playground?

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* 2. What equipment pieces and/or play experiences do you like about this playground? (Examples: play structure, swings, rockers/springers, sliding, climbing, surface materials etc.)

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* 3. What equipment pieces and/or play experiences don't you like about this playground? (Examples: play structure, swings, rockers/swingers, sliding, climbing, surface materials etc.)

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* 4. How do you think the playground and its amenities could be improved? (Examples: play equipment type, seating, surface material, shade, access.)

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* 5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important are the following provisions when upgrading this playground (1 = not important and 5 = very important)?

  1 2 3 4 5
Providing new formal play structures (example: play tower with slide, swing etc.)
Providing nature play opportunities
Providing barrier protection (fencing /planting) to the playground
Providing  seating opportunities adjacent to the playground
Shade provision to seating and playground 
Retain existing trees and vegetation

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* 6. What other playgrounds or parks do you use in the area? Why?

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* 7. Please provide your contact information.

The information will be held by the City of Sydney and not shared with any third parties, in line with the City's Privacy Management Plan.

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* 8. Are you an individual or an organisation?