Thank you for using the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Waste and Materials Management Complaint Submittal System. Complete this form to report a complaint about solid or hazardous waste, including waste disposal, recycling or open burning.

¿Necesita presentar una queja ante el Departamento de Recursos Naturales de Wisconsin? Llame al servicio al cliente de DNR al 888-936-7463 para conectarse con el personal bilingüe. Si desea permanecer anónimo, comuníqueselo al servicio al cliente. Le conectarán con alguien que pueda tomar la queja.

Xav ua ib tsab ntawv tsis txaus siab xa mus rau Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources? Hu qhov chaw txais tos saib xyuas muab ncauj lus ntawm DNR tus xov tooj yog 888-936-7463 kom los txuas nrog tus neeg ua hauj lwm sawv cev ua hais tau lwm yam lus. Yog tias koj xav nyob tsis qhia txog ntawm koj tus kheej, thov mus hais qhia rau feem saib xyuas cov neeg siv khoom. Lawv yuav txuas koj nrog tus neeg tus uas tuaj yeem coj koj cov lus tsis txaus siab tau.
Please do not submit a complaint more than once. We will prioritize complaints to ensure that life, health and safety, and significant environmental concerns are addressed as soon as possible.

Complaints submitted through this system are subject to Wisconsin’s Open Records Law [ss. 19.31-1939, Wis. Stats.] You can make an anonymous complaint if you choose not to include contact information.

Waste and Materials Management Program staff will not respond directly to complaints that are outside the scope and authority of our program, but will connect you with others who can help. The information you provide will help make sure the right DNR program or agency receives your complaint and help us respond quickly.