SDMFC's WIWMPK  Fall 2020 - Spring 2021 Forums

Participant Survey

3.Zip Code: XXXXX
4.Are you a parent or a student?
5.Are you military connected (Active Duty, Veteran, military spouse, or military dependent)?
6.Please rate the following statements by choosing an option:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
The information and resources provided are useful to me.
The information provided taught me a new tip/trick tool for my personal learning.
Before the forum attended, I felt comfortable discussing the topic with my children/parents.
After the forum attended, I feel comfortable in discussing the topic with my children/parents.
7.What was your favorite part of the forum you attended?
8.Please rate the following statements by choosing an option:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I am aware of community resources I can utilize if faced with a challenge and/or crisis.
I communicate effectively with my child(ren)/parents.
I feel I have a network of support (family and friends) in times of need.
I understand how to nurture my relationship with my child(ren)/parents.
I feel connected to the community.
9.Please rate the following statements by choosing an option:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Overall, I believe this was a useful/valuable forum.
I would recommend this forum to others.
Overall, I am satisfied with my participation at the WIWMPK forum.
10.Would you like to be involved in supporting future WIWMPK events as a parent/ student representative?
11.Do you have any topic/feedback in mind you would like to consider for a future forum?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered