Please use this form when requesting materials for our WOW! in the Classroom flight. 
This Flight schedules a volunteer from WPAFB to visit your classroom for an in-person STEM lesson full of hands-on activities.

Question Title

* 1. Per Air Force and federal policy, our programs cannot use federal funds to provide resources, materials, and equipment to non-federal entities that charge a registration or admission fee. Please confirm that you are requesting use of our program for a school classroom, or after-school program, that does not charge any kind of participation fee.

Question Title

* 2. Teacher Name(s):
Please include names of all teachers participating in this request.
Missing information may cause a delay.

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* 3. Email Address(es):
Please include email addresses of all teachers participating in this request.
Missing information may cause a delay.

Question Title

* 4. Thank you for making a WOW! in the Classroom request. Please tell us how you heard about our program.

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* 5. How long have you used the WOW! in the Classroom program?

Question Title

* 6. Which WOW! in the Classroom lesson would you like to request?
If you are requesting a WOW! on Wheels delivery, please use the other survey.

- You can find lesson summaries, activities, and ODE standards that this lesson will meet on our website.
- Please notice the amount of classroom time needed for the individual lesson you are requesting. The time noted is for one classroom. If you need us to present to more than one classroom, please schedule accordingly.

- Lessons are presented by WPAFB Wizards (volunteers).
- All lesson scheduling is based on volunteer availability.

- The operational radius of WOW! in the Classroom is 35 miles from WPAFB.

Please select only 1 lesson title per request form.

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* 7. Our goal is to ensure the lesson you've chosen is well-suited for your students. Could you please confirm if you reviewed the lesson summary available on our website when making your selection?

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* 8. What is your preferred date/dates for this lesson?
To ensure proper scheduling, we kindly request at least 3 weeks notice for any presentations.

Providing specific dates is essential, as incomplete information can affect our ability to schedule effectively. While flexibility is appreciated, responses like 'flexible' or 'anytime this year' can complicate the process.

Please note that all lessons are scheduled based on volunteer availability.

If you have multiple date options, please list them below.
Additionally, if there are any dates that are not suitable, please mention those as well.

Question Title

* 9. What time would you like the lesson presented?
If your times are flexible, please let me know what times we need to work around like specials and lunch.
If you are requesting for multiple classes, please plan approx. 45-60 minutes for each classroom.

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* 10. What time does your school day start?

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* 11. What time does your school dismiss?

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* 12. School District:

Question Title

* 13. School Name:

Question Title

* 14. School Address and Phone Number:
Missing information may cause a delay.

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* 15. Is there any special parking or entrance information we need?

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* 16. Are there any special student accomodations of which we should be aware?

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* 17. Grade Level(s):

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* 18. Number of Classes to see the lesson:
We can not present to more than 1 class at a time, but we are happy to schedule multiple presentations.

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* 19. Total Number of Students:
Please include all classes you are scheduling for.

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* 20. Based on your previous experience, is there a specific volunteer that you would like to request?

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* 21. What background knowledge do your students already have?

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* 22. Is there a specific objective you need this lesson to meet?

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* 23. Please rank the following reasons for requesting this WOW! lesson in order of importance - 1 being the most important to you.

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* 24. Please check the boxes below to confirm that you are aware of the next steps in our scheduling process. Please contact us with any questions.

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* 25. Did you use the WOW! TV video to help you choose a lesson for your students?

For more information or if you have questions, contact Angel Callahan at 937-938-4868, or email at