Background Information

Question Title

* Branch Number (if applicable)

General Usage

Question Title

* How interested are you in using mobile EnAct CRM?

Question Title

* How many minutes a week do you spend in EnAct CRM?

Question Title

* Please select the dashboards you use and rate their effectiveness  (on a scale from 5-1 with 5 being extremely helpful and 1 being not helpful at all):

  5 - Extremely helpful 4 3 2 1 - Not helpful at all I don't use this dashboard
Ag. Lending Dashboard
BBCB Trended Bank Accounts
CRE CFY My Calls & Relationships
CRE CFY My Pipelines and Fees
My Core Accounts – Deposits/Loans
My Core Acct and Pipeline Comparison
My FIS Deposit/Loan Accounts
My Relationships
My Scorecard Calling Activity
My Teams Cross Sell Results Current Fiscal Year
My Teams Pipelines and Relationships Current Fiscal Year
MM CFY My Sales Results
BB CFY My Calls & Relationships
BB CFY My Loan & Deposit Production
STRAD User Dashboard
Swaps & Syndications
WBT Branch Manager Dashboard
WBT RTL Banker Dashboard
WT CM Manager – Complaint Management
WT CM Officer – Complaint Management
My EnAct COML PORTFOLIO, EnAct Private Portfolio, EnAct Cash MGMT Portfolio

Question Title

* Please rate the effectiveness of each of these reports (on a scale from 5-1 with 5 being extremely helpful and 1 being not helpful at all):

  5 - Extremely helpful 4 3 2 1 - Not helpful at all I don't use this report
11.1 – WTFC – Call Report
11.1 – WTFC – Coverage Summary Report
11.1 – WTFC – Pipeline Summary/Detail Report
10.1 – WTFC – Associated User Pipeline Events – Open/Won
10.1 – WTFC – Referrals to Others Report Summary/Detail

Question Title

* How frequently do you log into EnAct CRM?

Question Title

* Select all of the ways you use CRM


Question Title

* You consider the data on an organization in CRM to be:

Question Title

* How would you describe the quality of the data in CRM?

Question Title

* Which of the following do you think would improve the quality of data in CRM (check all that apply)

System Response Times

Question Title

* Do you access EnAct CRM through the web/URL or through the Outlook PlugIn?

Question Title

* How would you rate the response times of EnAct CRM via the Web?

Question Title

* How would you rate the response times of EnAct CRM via Microsoft Outlook?

Question Title

* How would you rate the response times of EnAct CRM via the Web when compared to other Wintrust Applications?

Highlights & Pain Points

Question Title

* What would you change about the system if you could?

Question Title

* What is the easiest thing for you to do in EnAct CRM?

Question Title

* What is the most time consuming thing you do in EnAct CRM?

Question Title

* What is the most frustrating thing you do in EnAct CRM?