Dear Holy Cross-Immaculata Community,

Please take this opportunity to improve Holy Cross - Immaculata in a meaningful way. Offer your feedback on both the assets of our parish community and the areas where we need to make changes.

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* 1. Please tell us how often you attend Sunday Mass at Holy Cross-Immaculata church?

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* 2. Which HCI Sunday Mass do you most often attend?

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* 3. If your preferred Mass time is eliminated at HCI, what would you do?

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* 4. Please rate how you feel about the future of the HCI Parish Community on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 means “I do not care” and 10 means “It is extremely important to me”

0 - I do not care 10 - Is is extremely important

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* 5. Please describe what you LIKE about the HCI parish community

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* 6. Please describe what you DISLIKE about the HCI parish community

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* 7. If your involvement at HCI is LESS than it was in the past, please describe why (Involvement includes attendance at Mass and/or participation in ministries)

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* 8. If you once considered yourself a parishioner of Holy Cross - Immaculata Parish, but do not now, please describe why

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* 9. What MINISTRIES or ACTIVITIES do you want to see at HCI parish?

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* 10. Please provide basic info about yourself to help us to document and understand our demographics

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* 11. If we may contact you for more information about your responses, please provide your contact info below