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We need your help! This survey is for the Woodhaven Neighborhood Conservation Plan. Please tell us about what you love and want to preserve in your neighborhood, as well as what challenges you face in your community and what would make Woodhaven a better place to live.

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1. What are your favorite places in your neighborhood? Where do you spend time?

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2. How would you rate this neighborhood as a...

  Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Not Applicable to Me
Place to Live
Place to Raise Children
Place to Work

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3. Why? Tell us more about why you rated the neighborhood as you did in the previous question.

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4. Please rate the following qualities of the community.

  Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Not Applicable to Me
Safety from crime
How easy it is to safely walk from across the neighborhood
Amenities, such as community centers & stores
Neighborhood social services
Childcare and youth programs
Gathering places where residents can come together
Housing options that meet my family’s needs & budget
Schools for your children
Public transit stops
Cost of housing
Lighting around the neighborhood
Neighborhood cleanliness
Landscaping and shade
The ability to find healthy food in the neighborhood
The overall attractiveness / appearance of the neighborhood
The sense of community that exists among the residents

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5. Do you and your family plan to stay in Woodhaven for the next four years and beyond?

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6. If you said you DO NOT plan to stay in the previous question, what could be ADDED or CHANGED in the neighborhood to keep you here longer?

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7. Which of these improvements would make the biggest impact to improve the look and feel of the neighborhood in the next 3 years? (Choose 3)

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8. What needs do you or a member of your household have right now?

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9. Where do you pick up groceries most often? (Please provide the name of the place you go)

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10. What types of businesses or services are missing?

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11. In the past few years, how has this community changed overall?

Now tell us a bit about you!

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12. How do you identify your race or ethnicity? (Check all that apply)

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13. If you live in Woodhaven, how long have you lived here?

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14. What is your age?

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15. Including yourself, how many people who live in your household fall into the following age categories.

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16. What is the nearest intersection to your home?

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17. Describe your housing.

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18. Please provide your contact information.

0 of 18 answered