APS Allergy Survey 2023 Question Title * 1. Where is your main practice location? Suburban, within 50km tertiary centre Regional 50-200km from tertiary centre Rural - over 20km from tertiary centre Question Title * 2. Do you provide outreach/ telehealth services to more distant regions? Yes No Question Title * 3. Do you consult on children / adolescents with allergic disease? Yes - food allergy Yes - aeroallergy (asthma, allergic rhinitis) Yes - sting allergy Yes - drug allergy Yes - eczema no Question Title * 4. Do you consider you have had sufficient education /training to manage with confidence: Basic IgE food allergy Basic Non IgE food allergy Advanced IgE food allergy Advanced Non IgE food allergy Basic aeroallergy Advanced aeroallergy including sublingual immunotherapy Advanced asthma Difficult eczema Stinging insect allergy Drug allergy None of the above Question Title * 5. Do you wish to have more education / training in allergy? If so, in what areas? Basic IgE food allergy Basic Non IgE food allergy Advanced IgE food allergy Advanced Non IgE food allergy Basic aeroallergy Advanced aeroallergy including sublingual immunotherapy Advanced asthma Difficult eczema Stinging insect allergy Drug allergy None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What postgraduate allergy education have you had? Specific onsite allergy training / diploma Allergy day courses at tertiary hospitals APS Allergy workshops / seminars On line ASCIA courses ASCIA conferences Occasional allergy presentation at general paediatric meeting Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What type of postgraduate allergy education do you find the most helpful (please rank)? Question Title * 8. Are you interested in an APS/ ASCIA allergy training diploma ? Yes - basic allergy Yes - advanced allergy including skin prick testing and immunotherapy No - I have already completed such a course No - I do not want allergy as a "special interest" No - other reasons Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Would you be prepared to attend a city based allergy centre or allergy practice as part of this training? Yes - for up to 10 days Yes - for up to 20 days No - not possible No - not interested in diploma course No - not required because already upskilled Question Title * 10. To deliver the best and most timely allergy service in your region, the most effective and practical solution is Question Title * 11. If a nurse consultation was PBS rebatable in your practice (on parity with GP nurse rebate) for eczema, asthma, skin prick testing and Sublingual immunotherapy, this would assist efficiency and quality of allergy management encourage me to upskill in allergy management make little difference to my practice Make a significant difference to my practice Enable easier telemedicine accessibility where skin prick testing can be done at our end Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. To improve access to quality paediatric allergy services in your are of regional Australia, the approach should be Question Title * 13. To upskill to the level of general paediatrician allergy diploma, what model of training would best suit you to deliver such a service in your region? Question Title * 14. If you have completed postgraduate allergic upskilling, please rank what ongoing postgraduate education you consider most valuable? Done