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A draft strategic plan to address homelessness in El Dorado has been released! The Plan is called Collectively Building: A Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in El Dorado. You can find the draft Plan here.

The plan was drafted based on feedback received from stakeholders, community members, and people with lived experience of homelessness. We would like to know if you feel that the goals and strategies of the Plan address the needs of the El Dorado community.

We appreciate your time in answering the questions below. 

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* Please select the best category that describes you (please select one)?

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* Did you review the draft Strategic Plan before completing this survey?

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* Do you agree with the following statement: The Plan accurately reflects the needs of El Dorado in addressing homelessness in the community.

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* Measuring success: The Plan goals and strategies are aimed at making homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring. The following metrics are proposed in the Plan (see pg. 7) to measure the success of the plan. 

Homelessness will be rare

- The total annual Point-in-Time count of people experiencing homelessness will decrease by 35% between 2022 and 2027.
- The annual Point-in-Time count of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness will decrease by 60% of the 2022 total count by 2027.
- El Dorado will reduce the number of individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness by 50% by 2025.
- El Dorado will functionally end homelessness for Veterans by 2023.
- El Dorado will functionally end homelessness for families with children by 2027.
- El Dorado will functionally end homelessness for seniors by 2027.
- El Dorado will create 350 safe affordable permanent housing opportunities by 2027.

Do you feel that these metrics, if achieved, will be a good measure of success in making homelessness rare?

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* Homelessness will be brief

- The number of days people experiencing homelessness wait for housing placement from emergency shelter or transitional housing will decrease from 267 days to 180 days by 2025.
- The average length of time a person is homeless across the system of care will decrease from 855 days to 180 days by 2027.

Do you feel that these metrics, if achieved, will be a good measure of success in making homelessness brief?

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* Homelessness will be non-recurring

- The percentage of the rate of returns to homelessness will decrease from 42% to 15% by 2025.
- The percentage of people who are successfully placed in permanent housing from emergency shelter or other short-term housing will increase from 49.6% to 85% by 2027.

Do you feel that these metrics, if achieved, will be a good measure of success in making homelessness non-recurring?

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* The Homeless System of Care will be accessible to all areas of the county, by all residents at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness

- The community will perform semi-annual analyses to evaluate and address disparities in access to housing and resources.
- The community will ensure safe access to housing and resources for people experiencing domestic violence, human trafficking, and sexual assault by 2024.

Do you feel that these metrics, if achieved, will be a good measure of success in making the Homeless System of Care accessible to all residents of El Dorado?

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* Opportunities and Challenges section (starting on pg. 29). The strengths and challenges of the homeless system of care identified within the Community Plan align with your experience in El Dorado County.

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* Are there additional strengths or challenges that you would like to share?

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* Under Goal 1: Stop Homelessness Before it Begins, please rank the strategies from highest priority (1) to lowest priority (4).

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* Under Goal 2: Increase Access to Housing for All El Dorado Residents, please rank the strategies from highest priority (1) to lowest priority (5).

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* Under Goal 3: Increase Access to Homeless Emergency Response Services, please rank the strategies from highest priority (1) to lowest priority (5).

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* Under Goal 4: Partner Across El Dorado to Build Collective Solutions, please rank the strategies from highest priority (1) to lowest priority (5).

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* Please let us know any additional thoughts you'd like to share on the Collectively Building: A Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in El Dorado.

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback!

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