I have increased knowledge of what a food system is than I did before the MFEI project.
I have increased knowledge of my role in my community food system than I did before the MFEI project.
I have communicated more with other food systems sectors (producers, processing, distributing, retail, consumers, resource management) than I did before the MFEI project.
I received appropriate mentoring during my community project.
I feel confident partnering with other individuals or organizations to develop community food systems.
I want to purchase more local food since the beginning of the MFEI project.
Other Montanans are more likely to consume local food (bought or donated) because of this project.
Our food systems project met the needs of our community.
I better understand the opportunities and limitations of Montana producers than I did before the MFEI project.
I value inclusion and building trust with diverse audiences and stakeholders for all food systems projects.