Storm events, including tropical cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes (‘storms’ in this survey) can cause significant damage to societies and economies. Track prediction (where they’re going) has seen much more improvement in accuracy than intensity prediction over the last decades. This survey will help us estimate the validity of improving intensity prediction, as well as directions to do so, by asking the people most relying on storm forecasting.
This short survey takes only 4-5 min to complete. We truly appreciate the input from your experience and expertise.

Question Title

* 1. What is your primary role in the weather forecasting community or your profession?

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* 2. How many years of experience do you have with storm forecasting or response?

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* 3. Which storm prediction systems do you currently use? Select all that apply.

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* 4. How satisfied are you with the accuracy of current storm intensity predictions?

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* 5. How important is it for you to have more accurate storm intensity predictions?

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* 6. How likely would you be to adopt a new storm intensity prediction system if it proved to be more accurate?

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* 7. Evaluate the following features for a storm prediction system from 1 (not valuable) to 5 (extremely valuable)

  1 2 3 4 5
Accurately predicting the path of the storm
Accurately predicting the intensity of the storm
How early can the storm be predicted
Alerts tailored to specific industries or regions
Real-time updates
Integration with mobile apps or other platforms
Probability forecasts

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* 8. What spatial resolution would be most useful for your needs?

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* 9. How far in advance would you need storm intensity predictions to be helpful?

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* 10. What is your acceptable margin of error for wind speed predictions?

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* 11. What is your acceptable margin of error for central pressure predictions?

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* 12. What features or improvements would you like to see in a new storm prediction system?

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* 13. Would you be willing to pay for a system providing highly accurate storm intensity predictions?

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* 14. Would you agree to be contacted for follow-up questions?

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* 15. Please share any other comments and suggestions you have below: