Jack Petchey Celebration Event |
1. External Feedback
Thank you for attending the recent Jack Petchey Foundation Achievement Awards Event. These events are an important and integral part of the Award Scheme and the Foundation is very proud of them. However, we do realise that there is always room for improvement, and I would be very grateful if you could spend a couple of minutes to give us some feedback on the event.
Your responses to the questions below (please do feel free to be honest) will allow us to continue improving the way we run and manage our awards events.
ALSO if you leave your email address at the end you will be entered into a PRIZE DRAW to win £50 of Amazon vouchers.
Your responses to the questions below (please do feel free to be honest) will allow us to continue improving the way we run and manage our awards events.
ALSO if you leave your email address at the end you will be entered into a PRIZE DRAW to win £50 of Amazon vouchers.