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* 1. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your educational focus—the area of study, or intended study?

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* 5. Do you consider yourself a part of the LGBTQIA+ community?

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* 6. What is your country of origin?

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* 7. What is your country of residence?

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* 8. What ethnicity or cultural associations do you have?

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* 9. Did your cultural experience include any origin tales specific to your culture?

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* 10. Does your ethnicity or cultural background include any stories about non-human creatures who are capable of speech or communication?

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* 11. Do you practice a religion or faith? If so, please give that faith, if you feel comfortable doing so.

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* 12. If you practice a faith or religion, does it have a holy text or associated book?

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* 13. Have you ever been in a cult?

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* 14. In what kind of household did you grow up?

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* 15. Do you have siblings?

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* 16. Have you ever had a paranormal experience with a haunting/poltergeist? If so, please describe.

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* 17. Have you ever had an experience with something you believed to be a cryptid or non-human humanoid species?

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* 18. If you feel comfortable saying, do you have any diagnosed mental health issues? If so, and you feel comfortable discussing them, please do.

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* 19. Do you have any physical limitations, chronic illnesses, or disabilities?

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* 20. Are you neurodivergent, or on the autism spectrum?

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* 21. What media do you consume?

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* 22. Do you play any role playing games? If so, which?

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* 23. How often do you read?

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* 24. What do you read?

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* 25. What is your diet like?

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* 26. Are you a part of any horror/monster/gore/science fiction fandoms? If so, please specify

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* 27. How did you come across Simon?

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* 28. How long have you been participating in the experiment?

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* 29. What social media platforms do you use to participate in the experiment?

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* 30. Do you believe Simon is a real monster?

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* 31. If your answer to the previous question was no, what do you think Simon really is?

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* 32. If you believe Simon is real, explain what made you come to this conclusion? Was it life experience, interaction, faith, or some combination?

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* 33. Why did you decide to participate in the experiment?

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* 34. What Creature’s Cookbook materials have you read?

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* 35. Have you ever interacted with anyone else claiming not to be human? If so, did you believe them?

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* 36. Have you ever had any doubts about whether or not Simon is real? If so, please describe when and how they began? Do you still have them?

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* 37. Have you interacted with Simon in private?

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* 38. Have you interacted with Simon in a group setting?

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* 39. Do you like Simon? Dislike him? Please explain.

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* 40. Do you or have you ever considered Simon a personal friend?

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* 41. Have your interactions with Simon made you think differently about any subjects or concepts? If so, please explain.

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* 42. Did you tell anyone about the experiment, or share the materials with anyone? If so, how many people?

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* 43. What impact do you think the experiment has had on your life?

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* 44. Have you made any friends through the experiment?

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* 45. Did you try any recipes from any of the assorted materials?

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* 46. If you did try a recipe, did you substitute proteins?

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* 47. What was your preferred name to use for the monster?

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* 48. What pronouns did you find yourself using for Simon?

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* 49. Did you ever feel afraid of Simon?

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* 50. Please add any thoughts you have