Automated Warranty Business Case

15 minutes could save you 5 million dollars!

In this survey you will be asked a series of questions.  Please select the answer that best describes your current functionality of the specific warranty process.  Once you have submitted your completed survey, MR Insights LLC will compile your results and provide you with your estimated savings potential by comparing your results with "best in class". 
1.Enter the name of your company
2.To what extent does your company utilize Prior Approval?
3.Which statement best describes your in-dealership claim preparation process?
4.What functionality is provided by your Automated Claim Editing system?
5.Which statement best describes your Manual Claim Review process? 
6.Which statement below best describes your warranty metrics or KPIs
7.Which statement below best describes your dealership warranty audit capabilities?
8.Which statement  best describes your Part Return functionality? 
9.How quickly does your system disposition claims?  
10.How long does it take for claim information to become accessible in your analytical system(s)?
11.Are you getting the full and accurate story from your dealers on each claim?
12.How satisfied are your dealers with your warranty processes?
13.To what extent does your company utilize supplier warranty recovery?
14.In rough numbers, approximately what is your North American annual warranty spend?
15.What is your reason for taking this survey?
16.What is your name? 
17.What is your email address? 
18.What is your phone number? 
Current Progress,
0 of 18 answered