The Better Together Campaign is a call to action to engage in civil discourse and encourage respect for differences. As a whole, we have trouble communicating with each other, not only city wide but in our homes and separate communities. Through Better Together, we hope to discover the issues affecting our community and offer tools to facilitate meaningful conversations, starting small with a guidebook for families at their own dinner tables and expanding to include large scale conversations with all of Yavapai County.

*This survey is completely anonymous but there is an opportunity upon submission to be entered into a Target gift card raffle and/or to hear about our follow up events in a separate google form.

Question Title

* 1. Do you think there is strong division in the community?

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* 2. Are there issues that are difficult to talk about in the community?

Question Title

* 3. How often do you feel misunderstood in your communities?

1 (Never) 5 (Always)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 4. I feel comfortable having difficult conversations with these communities

  Always Usually Sometimes Rarely  Never N/A
My family
My school (if applicable)
My work (if applicable) 
Church (if applicable) 
In public

Question Title

* 5. What topics do you feel are off limits? In what areas of your everyday life?

Question Title

* 6. In what times of your life have you felt the most misunderstood? 

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* 7. What are the challenges to being understood?

Question Title

* 8. I feel like people are lacking skills to have respectful conversations about difficult topics.

  In every case In most cases In some cases  In few cases  In no cases 
People are lacking skills to have respectful conversations about difficult topics.
People in my communities are lacking skills to listen.
My input will be rejected when I speak up about controversial topics.

Question Title

* 9. How often are you exposed to views that differ from your own?

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* 10. Where does the exposure come from? Select all that apply.

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* 11. What topics do you feel like the community avoids the most?

Question Title

* 12. *This survey is completely anonymous, however the following questions will help us organize data/results.
What is your age?

Question Title

* 13. What is your race?

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* 14. What is your gender?

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* 15. If you answered prefer not to say to any of the demographic questions, please explain why.

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* 16. How long have you lived in the Prescott area? 

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* 17. What is your zip-code?

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* 18. Do you have any suggestions for our survey?