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* 1. Disability and Aging advocacy groups and organizations are invited to be listed as members of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance. Individuals can sign up to work in workgroups and receive WFACSA communications.

The WFACSA does not engage in lobbying activities but seeks to educate the public about issues related to improved supports for families and caregivers. 

The Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance (WFACSA) will address the needs of families who provide care, improve resource coordination and increase access to family supports aimed at sustaining Wisconsin families into the future.

Vision Statement
Our communities will be accepting places for people of all ages and abilities to live with the supports needed for the person, their families and caregivers. Our communities are stronger when we work together to support each other.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to raise awareness of family and caregiver support needs and increase the availability of and access to services and supports (both paid and unpaid) which will keep people across the lifespan engaged in their community as long as they desire

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* 2. I would like to be added to the email list-serv for the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance.

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* 3. I would like to join a workgroup of the Alliance. (Typically one hour-long call/month.)

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* 4. If you have indicated you would like to receive WFACSA communications or join a workgroup, please provide your contact information.

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* 5. Are you interested in having your organization sign on as a formal member of the Wisconsin Family and Caregiver Support Alliance? (In order to complete this step you must be authorized to sign your organization on.) Organization members will be listed publicly as members of the Alliance.