Workplace Fairness Team Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this confidential survey.  Our goal is to determine the long-term impact of the coaching and facilitation services we have been providing through the Workplace Fairness Office at the Inn from the Cold Society. You have either accessed the link to this survey from the IFTC or have been sent a link to this survey because you have anonymously utilized our services or been in contact with our office within the past year.  

The questions in this survey focus on the value of the service of the Workplace Fairness Office and your experience with the Office. This measurement strategy will demonstrate how competently we are delivering our program and meeting our objective of supporting a psychologically safe and healthy workplace  Measurement will provide feedback of issues, processes, connections, or alignments which could or should be improved.  Our hope is to continually improve our services and demonstrate value associated with the function of the Office.  

All responses are confidential and anonymous.  We are not tracking the email addresses or IP addresses of those who respond to this survey.

Thank you.  We appreciate your time and feedback!

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* 1. My concerns, issues, and questions were listened to and addressed appropriately by the Workplace Fairness Office.

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* 2. I developed new skills for improving psychological health, communication or managing conflict by attending a Session facilitated by the Workplace Fairness Office.

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* 3. I trusted that the Workplace Fairness Office handled my concern in a confidential manner.

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* 4. The Workplace Fairness Office created a safe environment for me to discuss my concerns.

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* 5. The Workplace Fairness Team member was neutral and impartial.

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* 6. I found contacting the Workplace Fairness Office was worthwhile.

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* 7. I would recommend Workplace Fairness services to others.

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* 8. I heard about the
Workplace Fairness Office through

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* 9. Meeting or working with the Workplace Fairness Office provided me with options other than: (check all that apply)

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* 10. After calling or meeting with the Workplace Fairness Office I: (check all that apply)