Well done for completing the Next Steps Ready sessions - up for a quiz!
Hope so, we would love to know what you think

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* 1. Which of these things can you do to hep manage your future career?

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* 2. What qualification pathways are there after your ESOL course?

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* 3. Which of these are essential skills that will be useful in ANY job?

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* 4. Which of these things can help you be a successful learner?

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* 5. What did you use on the Careerpilot website and how useful was it?

  Didn't do this Not at all useful A bit useful Quite useful Really useful
I did the Skills Map and that helped me see the skills I have to offer.
I did the job quiz and saw what job sectors might suit me
I looked at job profiles and that helped me learn about some of the courses I could do to get into a job
I looked at the courses search and found courses I could do

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* 6. Do you agree with these statement?

  1. Strongly disagree 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Strongly agree
I am more aware of what I want from a job than before the session.
I know more about how the things I am interested in can lead to different jobs
I know more about my future options than before the sessions
I feel more confident to be able to make a decision about my future career to suit me.
I know where to find information to help me make career choices in the future.
I can more firmly see the link between getting more qualifications and having more opportunities in the future.

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* 7. Which of these things have you done since starting the Next Step Ready sessions?

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* 8. Say one thing you learnt from the Next Steps Ready sessions that you didn't know before

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* 9. What was the most useful thing to you about the Next Step Ready sessions?

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* 10. Is there anything you did not like?

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* 11. Say one thing you are going to do to take your career plans forward, an action?