OT-WEFE-Nexus_Participant Application Form

Congratulations on your nomination to apply to participate in the upcoming Masterclass in (WEFE) Nexus Development: Water-Energy-Food Ecosystems in the South Mediterranean. Please complete the form below, in English to be considered.  
Date: 3-6 July 2023 

Application results will be sent by email in due time. For any other queries, please contact us at training@knowledgee.com

Thank you!
The Knowledge E Training & Consulting Team

Question Title

* 1. Title (Mr. / Ms. / Dr. / Prof. / etc. )

Question Title

* 2. First Name

Question Title

* 3. Last Name

Question Title

* 4. Email

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number

Question Title

* 6. University / Organisation

Question Title

* 7. Department

Question Title

* 8. Current Position

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following best describes you?

Question Title

* 10. Which option best describes your level of English?

Question Title

* 11. Can you commit to fully and actively participating in the training? 

Question Title

* 12. Which option best describes your primary research interest and/or professional background? 

Question Title

* 13. Is there a specific project and/or proposal you are currently working on (or will be starting soon) that relates to this Masterclass? If so, briefly (in 200 words maximum) describe the project and/or proposal.

Question Title

* 14. Are you working with other colleagues on this project and/or proposals?

Question Title

* 15. Personal Statement: Work Experience 
Briefly (in 100 words maximum) describe your work experience and skills. 

Question Title

* 16. Personal Statement: Educational Background
Briefly (in 100 words maximum) let us know about your educational background and how it is related to the theme of the training

Question Title

* 17. Personal Statement: Expectations 
Briefly (in 200 words maximum) explain how attending this Master would help you reach your scholarly or career goals. How could this training benefit your research, your projects, or your work?

Question Title

* 18. CV Upload
Please upload your English language CV.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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