We urged the Governor to convene a task force of news media, open government advocates, legislators, the Governor’s Office and others, to engage in a very public process and bring back recommendations to the legislature next year.

I believe any policy we end up adopting should include these key elements and want to know how you feel about them:

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* 1. Lawmakers’ interactions with lobbyists should be disclosable to the public.

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* 2. Legislators’ calendars should be disclosable, allowing constituents and the media to see who we meet with and about what.

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* 3. Constituents’ personal correspondence, including emails, letters and any other identifiable information should be protected from public disclosure.

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* 4. When a request is denied, the court, not the legislative branch, should have the final decision on public disclosure requests.

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* 5. What do you think?
I'd like to know what's on your mind. Please leave a comment with your thoughts and feedback on this or any other legislative issue.

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* 6. Your responses are anonymous, so if you'd like a personal reply:
a. Send me an email; or
b. Leave your name and phone number (optional)