Help CaNORML win employment rights for cannabis consumers by completing this survey and joining us!

This anonymous survey is being conducted by California NORML. To participate, you must be a cannabis consumer living and working in California. For questions, write

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. What is your zip code?

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* 3. Have you been denied employment because you tested positive for marijuana?

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* 4. Have you been terminated from a job because you tested positive for marijuana?

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* 5. Are you looking for a job and afraid of losing an employment opportunity because you use cannabis/marijuana?

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* 6. Has your doctor denied you prescription drugs, including painkillers, because you tested positive for cannabis use?

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* 7. Have you stopped using cannabis because of drug testing by your doctor or employer?

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* 8. Have you increased your use of opioid or other medications, or alcohol, because of drug testing for cannabis by your doctor or employer?

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* 9. Would you be willing to speak publicly or to your elected representatives about your situation? IF YOU ANSWER "YES", PLEASE BE SURE TO PROVIDE CONTACT INFORMATION AT QUESTION #11 SO THAT WE MAY REACH YOU.

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* 10. Are you a member of Cal NORML or would you like to join and support our work? Read more at:

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* 11. (Optional): You may provide contact information to participate in our campaign for consumers' rights.