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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. What is your race?

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* 3. Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community?

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* 4. Are you a resident or employed in the City of Columbus?

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* 5. How long have you resided and/or been employed in the City of Columbus?

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* 6. Please enter the zip code where you reside or work in the City of Columbus.

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* 7. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police practice community policing?

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* 8. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police develop relationships with community members? (e.g. residents or groups)

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* 9. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police communicate with the community? (e.g. social media, public meetings, web and email)

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* 10. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police make it easy for the community to provide input? (e.g. compliments, suggestions, concerns and complaints)

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* 11. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police work together with community members or groups to solve local problems?

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* 12. In your experience, to what extent do Columbus Police officers treat people fairly?

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* 13. In your experience, to what extent do Columbus Police officers respond to concerns of community members?

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* 14. In your experience, to what extent do officers show respect?

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* 15. How effective is the Columbus Division of Police at proactively preventing violent crime? (e.g. shootings, stabbings, rapes, kidnapping, etc.)

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* 16. How effective is the Columbus Division of Police at proactively preventing non-violent crime? (e.g. theft from vehicles, property damage, petty theft, burglaries, etc.)

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* 17. Rate the overall safety and security of your neighborhood.

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* 18. Did the level of crime in your neighborhood change during 2024 when compared to the previous year?

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* 19. How responsive is the Columbus Division of Police to the needs of your neighborhood?

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* 20. Select all crimes that you were a victim of within the City of Columbus in 2024.

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* 21. Was the crime reported to the Columbus Division of Police?

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* 22. Rate the level of professionalism and courtesy you experienced while speaking with an operator on the 9-1-1 or police non-emergency line.

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* 23. Rate the level of helpfulness and ability to explain what was being done to assist you while speaking with an operator on the 9-1-1 or police non-emergency line.

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* 24. How many times during 2024 did you have contact with a Columbus Police officer for a traffic-related issue? (e.g. citation, warning, vehicle crash, stranded vehicle, etc.)

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* 25. How many times during 2024 did you have contact with a Columbus Police officer in a non-enforcement capacity? (e.g. community meeting, talking to an officer on patrol, community engagement event, community safety class, etc.)

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* 26. How many times during 2024 did you have contact with a Columbus Police officer during an emergency situation or a call for service?

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* 27. Rate the overall level of professionalism/courtesy exhibited by the officer(s).

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* 28. Rate the officers' level of helpfulness and ability to explain what was being done to assist you.

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* 29. Based on your personal experience, rate the ability and skills of Columbus Division of Police personnel as it relates to carrying out law enforcement duties.

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* 30. What is your overall perception of the behavior and attitude of Columbus Division of Police personnel?

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* 31. Rate the overall performance of the Columbus Division of Police.

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* 32. Which of the following forms of media do you use to obtain information from or about the Columbus Division of Police? (Select all that apply)

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* 33. Please provide any recommendations and suggestions you have on ways to improve the Columbus Division of Police.

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* 34. If you would like to receive information about how to become a Columbus Police Officer and what benefits are offered by the Columbus Division of Police, please include a contact number or email and we will send recruiting information.