2025 Columbus Division of Police Community Survey Question Title * 1. How old are you? Under 18 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Question Title * 2. What is your race? White or Caucasian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian or Asian American American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander New American (respondent's born outside of the United States and not listed above) Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 3. Do you identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 4. Are you a resident or employed in the City of Columbus? Yes No Question Title * 5. How long have you resided and/or been employed in the City of Columbus? Less than 12 months 1-5 years 6-10 years 10-15 years More than 15 years I am not a resident or employed in the City of Columbus Question Title * 6. Please enter the zip code where you reside or work in the City of Columbus. Question Title * 7. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police practice community policing? Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 8. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police develop relationships with community members? (e.g. residents or groups) Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 9. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police communicate with the community? (e.g. social media, public meetings, web and email) Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 10. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police make it easy for the community to provide input? (e.g. compliments, suggestions, concerns and complaints) Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 11. In your experience, to what extent does the Columbus Division of Police work together with community members or groups to solve local problems? Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 12. In your experience, to what extent do Columbus Police officers treat people fairly? Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 13. In your experience, to what extent do Columbus Police officers respond to concerns of community members? Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 14. In your experience, to what extent do officers show respect? Extensively Satisfactorily Average Very little Not at all Question Title * 15. How effective is the Columbus Division of Police at proactively preventing violent crime? (e.g. shootings, stabbings, rapes, kidnapping, etc.) Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective Not so effective Not at all effective Question Title * 16. How effective is the Columbus Division of Police at proactively preventing non-violent crime? (e.g. theft from vehicles, property damage, petty theft, burglaries, etc.) Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective Not so effective Not at all effective Question Title * 17. Rate the overall safety and security of your neighborhood. Very safe Safe Neutral Unsafe Very Unsafe Question Title * 18. Did the level of crime in your neighborhood change during 2024 when compared to the previous year? Crime went up Crime stayed the same Crime went down Question Title * 19. How responsive is the Columbus Division of Police to the needs of your neighborhood? Extremely responsive Very responsive Somewhat responsive Not so responsive Not at all responsive Question Title * 20. Select all crimes that you were a victim of within the City of Columbus in 2024. Kidnapping or rape Felony assault (shooting, stabbing, etc.) Robbery Fraud or forgery Burglary or breaking and entering (house or business break-in) Vandalism Simple assault (punch, kick, etc.) Domestic violence Theft of a motor vehicle Petty theft or car break-in Other I was not the victim of a crime in 2024 Question Title * 21. Was the crime reported to the Columbus Division of Police? Yes No I was not the victim of a crime Question Title * 22. Rate the level of professionalism and courtesy you experienced while speaking with an operator on the 9-1-1 or police non-emergency line. Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor I did not call 9-1-1 or the police non-emergency line Question Title * 23. Rate the level of helpfulness and ability to explain what was being done to assist you while speaking with an operator on the 9-1-1 or police non-emergency line. Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor I did not call 9-1-1 or the police non-emergency line Question Title * 24. How many times during 2024 did you have contact with a Columbus Police officer for a traffic-related issue? (e.g. citation, warning, vehicle crash, stranded vehicle, etc.) 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+ Question Title * 25. How many times during 2024 did you have contact with a Columbus Police officer in a non-enforcement capacity? (e.g. community meeting, talking to an officer on patrol, community engagement event, community safety class, etc.) 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+ Question Title * 26. How many times during 2024 did you have contact with a Columbus Police officer during an emergency situation or a call for service? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+ Question Title * 27. Rate the overall level of professionalism/courtesy exhibited by the officer(s). Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor I had no contact with a police officer in 2024 Question Title * 28. Rate the officers' level of helpfulness and ability to explain what was being done to assist you. Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor I had no contact with a police officer in 2024 Question Title * 29. Based on your personal experience, rate the ability and skills of Columbus Division of Police personnel as it relates to carrying out law enforcement duties. Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor I have no contact with a police officer in 2024 Question Title * 30. What is your overall perception of the behavior and attitude of Columbus Division of Police personnel? Extremely positive Positive Average/neutral Negative Extremely negative Question Title * 31. Rate the overall performance of the Columbus Division of Police. Excellent Satisfactory Average Needs improvement Poor Question Title * 32. Which of the following forms of media do you use to obtain information from or about the Columbus Division of Police? (Select all that apply) Newspaper Television Facebook Twitter Columbus Police Smartphone App Internet website(s) Instagram Other (please specify) Question Title * 33. Please provide any recommendations and suggestions you have on ways to improve the Columbus Division of Police. Question Title * 34. If you would like to receive information about how to become a Columbus Police Officer and what benefits are offered by the Columbus Division of Police, please include a contact number or email and we will send recruiting information. Submit