2020 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG) needs your input for the updated 2020 regional Hazard Mitigation Plan to ensure its relevance and usefulness. If you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out to Alexis Meehan, NECCOG Regional Planner at alexis.meehan@neccog.org or at (860) 774-1253 ext. 18

Question Title

* 2. How many years have you lived or worked in Northeastern Connecticut?

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* 3. Rate the following hazards on a scale of 1 (no concern) to 3 (high concern)

  1 (No concern) 2 (Moderate concern) 3 (High concern)
Winter storms and blizzards
Hurricanes and tropical storms
Severe thunderstorms (including hail, lightening)
Climate change
Drought and severe heat
Dam failure (may be caused by other hazards)
Wildfires and brush fires
Ice jams
Sinkholes or subsidence

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* 4. Which of the following hazards have impacted you or your business? (select all that apply)

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* 5. Are there any specific areas in your community that you believe to be particularly vulnerable to any of the hazards mentioned above? (Please describe locations using street intersections or landmarks)

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* 6. Which of the following is your preferred method of receiving alerts about natural hazards that impact the NECCOG region? (may not be the one you currently frequently use) Please select only one of the options below:

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* 7. Please rank the following activities intended to restore daily life after a hazard event from most important to you (10) to least important to you (1):

  1. Reopen roads
  2. Make home livable
  3. Restore water services
  4. Restore wastewater collection and disposal (sewer or septic)
  5. Restore communication (telephones, cell phones, internet)
  6. Resume tourism
  7. Reopen businesses
  8. Repair damaged buildings
  9. Restore parks and other natural resources
  10. Address injuries and casualties

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* 8. What are the most important things that your municipal government and leaders can do to help residents and businesses be prepared for a disaster, and become more resilient over time? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. Scientists expect that rain and storm events may increase in this area due to Climate Change. Which of the following statements about planning for future Climate Change do you most agree with? (Please select only one option)

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* 10. Have you taken any action to reduce the risk or vulnerability to your family, home, or business? If so, please indicate below by selecting all that apply