We Are The Medicine Gathering Audience Survey

1.What is your age?(Required.)
2.What is your gender?(Required.)
3.Which province, territory, or state do you live in?
4.What is your household income?(Required.)
5.Do you rent or own your home?(Required.)
6.How many children under 18 do you have?
7.What is the highest level of education you have completed?
8.Have you attended We Are The Medicine Gathering or similar events in the past?(Required.)
9.What is one thing you would like to see more of at these events?
10.What is one thing you enjoy the most when attending these events?
11.How likely are you to do each of the following in the next 18 months?
Change Banks?
12.Apply for a credit card or loan?(Required.)
13.Purchase sports equipment, or visit a sporting goods retailer?(Required.)
14.Rent a vehicle?(Required.)
15.Travel or Vacation Out Of State?(Required.)
16.Attend a gym or fitness class?(Required.)
17. Purchase organic or wholesome food or hygiene products?(Required.)
18.If a company sponsors, We Are The Medicine Gatherings are you more likely to consider their products/services for future purchases, assuming the price and the quality are within the same integrity?(Required.)
19.In the last six months, have you participated in any of these hobbies?(Required.)
20.What kind of sponsors do you think would be a good fit for We Are The Medicine Gathering?(Required.)