1. Attendee Feedback Form

Question Title

Thank you for attending the 2017 GPTC Faculty & Staff Institute!

In an effort to improve future Institutes/ Professional Development, we are asking for your feedback! The Faculty & Staff Institute Committee values your input and continually strives to improve your experience. We appreciate your candid responses to this brief survey.  Please note that this survey is anonymous. 

Estimated Survey Time: 4 minutes

Question Title

* 1. Do you feel that you had enough information regarding the professional development day logistics prior to?

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* 3. How do you feel we can improve future Faculty & Staff Institutes at GPTC?

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* 4. What did you enjoy MOST about Faculty & Staff Institute?

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* 5. What did you enjoy LEAST about Faculty & Staff Institute?

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* 6. Were you satisfied with the quality of the food provided (Breakfast and Lunch)?